According to Google's research and published findings, content that is relegated to Page 2 of Google search results, on average, may receive as little as 6% of the exposure that it would otherwise receive if it appears on Page 1 of search results.
From time to time we come across an online reputation problem that is exacerbated by an extremely "weak Google presence" for the client's name, brand or other important Google search query.
A weak Google presence exists when the client has not adequately defended his or her name or brand with positive and relevant content for that exact search phrase. Consequently, when a competitor publishes false complaints about that person or their brand, those complaints will often dominate page 1 of Google search results. Furthermore, because there is not much positive material to work with, even’s search remediation services can have difficulty in taking back control of search results. has professional social networking and content creation staff in-house. If you have a weak Google presence, then we can help you by setting up or improving you "reputation buffer". This means we can help you set up favorable content for your name, business name and brands in such a way that, should a competitor attack you with false and defamatory assertions, then the buffer that we build for you will act as a type of firebreak against the damage that might otherwise occur, had you not taken such precautions.
Furthermore, if you are already under attack and the defamatory material is causing damage now, it is not too late. If we start building the buffer for you today, it will, in most cases, provide the favorable content that is needed to begin diluting the damaging material, thereby pushing it down to Page 2 of search results and beyond.
What we provide with our reputation buffer services:
The services we provide include publishing, or assisting you in publishing, search-engine-optimized social networking content such as:
- Facebook business pages;
- Google plus pages;
- Twitter pages that are optimized for search results;
- Pinterest pages;
- Instagram pages;
- Blogs;
- Search engine optimized site-maps for your website;
- Images about you or your products, that are optimized to appear in Google's image preview provisions within search results;
- YouTube, video and other video services and channels for your name or brand;
- … and many other deliverables designed to help you take back control of such results for your name or brand.